【New!】Guided English Tour

On this upcoming Thursday (May 30th), join our student intern from the USA on a guided tour of the museum’s exhibitions in English! We will also make time for any questions or other feedback during the tour. This is a great opportunity for non-Japanese speakers to learn more about the Tokyo air raids!

Date: Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Time: 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

To register for the tour, fill out this Google Form.

Event Outline:
1.We will show a short summary video of the Tokyo air raids (with English subtitles).
2.Our student guide will then walk guests around our exhibits on the 1st and 2nd floors, including maps of the bombing area, artifacts from the air raid, survivor testimonies, and more.
3.There will be time at the end to ask any additional questions and/or provide feedback about the guided tour or the museum’s exhibits.

You are welcome to stay afterwards and explore the museum at your leisure until closing time at 4:30 pm.

Cost: 500 yen (includes both the entrance fee and guided tour fee)

Maximum Capacity: 10 persons

Additional Information: Reservations are on a first come, first served basis. The tour is conducted entirely in English. Please email us at tokyoraids@gmail.com with any questions.
